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Elk Viewing - at Mount St. Helens
ELK VIEWING at Mt. St. Helens
Elk - Mt. St. Helens
This photo was taken on Jan 2, 2006
Shot was taken by with a digital
camera by Jamie Westervelt through
one of the Center's Mount St. Helens
view telescope's.
The magnificent Elk are seen
throughout the Mount St. Helens
monument and a hundred or more
can usually be seen on the Mt. St.
Helens Helicopter Tours.
The BEST VIEWING AREA is from the
Mount St. Helens Forest Learning
Center at milepost 33. In the spring
up to 500 elk can be seen grazing on
the mudflow below the center. The
Center is a partnership between
Weyerhaeuser, Washington
Department of Transportation, and
the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation.
For great droptine deer photos see
See Mount Rainier Wildlife Videos
Digital camera photo of elk seen at the Forest Learning Center